

We’ve made it to FRIDAY friends!

I don’t know about you, but there were a few times this week where I wasn’t sure if the end of it would get here fast enough. I feel celebratory as I type this…listening to “My Best Friend” by Queen on a station named “Walking on Sunshine” on Songza, for when you are feeling “ridiculously upbeat and positive”. ( Songza lets you pick music based on your mood or activity, its Pandora for intelligent and brilliant people such as myself. Check it out!)
I can’t fight the groove. I’m feeling good and looking forward to what’s in store. Heck, I even put make up on today. It’s a good day.

I spent the morning running around getting ready to leave my hubs and kids for
the weekend for a ladies retreat. I’m looking forward to staying up late having deep conversations with some sweet friends. Im looking forward to not having to clean dishes for three days. I’m looking forward to not having to referee my children or wonder where the dog is and why she’s being so quiet. I’m looking forward to not hearing about the complicated and anxious decisions my husband will be grappling with all weekend over his fantasy football team.
It’s nice to get AWAY sometimes, no?

Truthfully, I’m rolling my own eyes at myself as I type this. These aren’t “problems”. I have many many blessings and should have nothing but gratitude, even for the hassles. There are so many people truly suffering and struggling.

In any case, I’m expecting to have some good quiet time to write and read. Time I will not squander. I’m going to take my guitar, my sharpies and my best, most creative and open minded attitude. Hopefully I’ll have something amazing and holy to share on Monday!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

I’ll leave you with one of my brothers favorite pick me up songs: http://youtu.be/RHEkgpQ9kgY