Well.  Here I am at this Reno Start Up weekend event.

I have been asking myself the same question annually, about every twenty minutes, ” What in the world am I doing here?’


This is a room full of tech wizards and entrepreneurial start-up people.  These people are building apps and websites and in general, creating the freaking future.  I have been going in and out of being brain numb listening to all of the conversations and dialogue  swirling around me.  These people are just plain brilliant.  I have found it to be very intimidating. Terrifying? Exhilarating? Promising?


I was invited to come here and “pitch” my official website idea ( coming soon) to a room full of people with actual careers and schooling and knowledge and experience.   At first I was paralyzed with fear and all I could envision was me getting up on the stage and saying awkwardly, “Hello, uh uh ugh…”

But isn’t this what ALL of this about? Conquering my fears and seizing today instead of waiting for the “thens”?

I gave my pitch and survived.  received some very positive feedback and warm wishes towards my goals, and it was very nice. Phew! Now I can relax and take it all in.  Truthfully, I am sitting here looking and feeling important and grown up.  Not really contributing anything but comic relief. Eavesdropping and soaking it all in.

The true victory here was in the following through of the difficult task.  This being the major theme of my life…not following through on the difficult tasks.  My idea didn’t make it to the next level ( I mean, really? The ideas being worked on in this room right now are wildly exciting and futuristic and amazing…) but I am learning soooooo much about the web, blog, advertising and marketing worlds, and realizing just how MUCH more I NEED to learn.  The difference is I really have no desire to be an entrepreneur and come up with an idea to make tons of money ( although…money would come in handy these days) as much as I am driven and compelled and even feel called to make a change in myself and inspire change in the lives of the women in and around my life!

The future is here and now!

Tune in to see what happens next!